Thursday, December 20, 2007

Writing Night #3 :: December 20, 2007

I wish that writing
Was like the shake of my heart,
The sigh of my lungs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a writer of aphorisims and witty sayings. I try to distill life into short succinct thoughts that make an impact with minimal words. I can tell that you are passionate about life. Here is my take on that:


Accentuates all
Success stories
Of category or person,
Now, in the past or the future

Jim Haworth AKA Simon Stargazer III

Visit my blog on Google Simons thoughts on wit

I like what you write and I hope you will find my writings of interest. I also write poetry and have a book : Wit and Wisdom From the Wild and Wacky World of Simon Stargazer III. I put it together for my family and friends.

Good luck with your work.